Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pork opinion

Started on a cooking contest kick about 6 years ago. It was to actually keep us busy and inside during a very cold ridden season. Only submitted about 4 total times.
However I did win once. So that is not bad, 25% winning stats. hahahaha Will have to post recipe to this later.
Anywho, on one of my cooking chat boards they spread the contest about giving an opinion on Pork.
Did you know that is less fatty than it was in 1991? Amazing about science.

It is actually very similar to chicken. Which makes everyone feel better eating the Pig.
So here was my submission. It is a drawing so only Lady Luck will let me know if I won the weekly price.
Hmmm...this did not allow cut and pasting...have a lot to learn about this blogging stuff.

Oops just learned Have to be in Edit Html mode.
This is a good tip my husband's MOM utilized.
She used to make Boston Butt or Pork Shoulder on the grill with Soy Sauce and Vinegar.
It is pretty dang good. So I make Pork Loin with the Monterey Seasoning. It is sooo good and if it is very similar to the fat content of chicken, then we are doing very good.

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