Wednesday, July 12, 2006

5 years ago tomorrow

Dominic my son was born, no I have not lost the weight. Yes I can not believe he is 5. Honestly after the first 2 years, we are just thrilled he is alive. Sometimes I remember how sick he was and cry. It just comes upon me and I am overwhelmed. He is so wonderful and yes spoiled, but then again, everyone should be once in their life. His scars are healing nicely and by the time he is 10 no one will believe he had heart surgery. I think growth hormones may be on the docket. Have to check with his Pediatrician, the most wonderful person in the whole world who was the one after over 150 other visits convinced the Main Radiologist to check for his condition. Well he is good now, and very spoiled. I think I love his birthday more than him. He has had no less then 2 Birthdays a year. 3 His first year, 2 his second, 3 his 3rd year, 4 his 4th year and so far 3 this year and he may have 2 more. I know he is going to have one more. He asked me if I had a 1,000 bucks. I asked why and he said because it was a lot of money. I told him all of his birthdays cost me that much and his eyes got big. Really after the Pump it up and the gifts and the 5 different spiderman cakes and don't forget the presents, we are right there. Wish I had more, but then they would also be spoiled. What a joy to have such a fabulous kid. Wish my MOM could see how wonderful he is. Wish my DAD could see him more, Wish his Grandfather was not always in a stupor and wish his Grandmother was not always so mad about someting that did not go well in her life. But at least he has Chris and I.